
Moderate Thinness

To diagnose moderate thinness one should take into account the ideal weight calculated for a given height, body constitution and gender. People with lower BMI may have moderate thinness. Moderate thinness due to reduced caloric intake is a rather serious condition. Experts affirm that even moderate thinness may be unhealthy. Moderate thinness is diagnosed if a person's weight is 10% below the ideal one. BMI approach to moderate thinness may help in early detection of this disorder.
Moderate thinness has several causes. Moderate thinness may result from insufficient nutrition and excessive activity. Wrong eating practice, skipping meals, fasting and physical overload may lead to moderate thinness. Emotional factors and stress are also important for development of moderate thinness. Moderate thinness may also reflect poor food digestion and metabolic disorders. Dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, helminthiasis, hepatic dysfunction, sleeplessness, and sexual problems lead to moderate thinness as well.
People with moderate thinness become apathetic on the background of low energy levels. In moderate thinness people are easily tired. Moderate thinness increases the risk of illnesses. People with moderate thinness have low immunity and are prone to infections. Moderate thinness increases the probability of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders.
To bypass the problems associated with moderate thinness, it is good to practice exercise and keep to the right diet so as to achieve normal weight range. Regular exercises in moderate thinness relax, reduce stress, and encourage healthy sleep. The mainstay of moderate thinness cure is normalization of body weight, restoration of nutritional content and tissue renovation. In moderate thinness the diet must be rich in calories. People with moderate thinness have to eat frequently, but the portions of meals must be small. To gain weight in moderate thinness diet should contain more calories than are spent.