BMI Calculator For Kids
BMI Calculator For Women
BMI Calculator For Men
BMI - body mass index
Body mass index is an anthropometric measure that estimates nutritional condition in adults and children on the basis of weight and height.
BMI formula
According to BMI formula body weight is divided by the square of height.
Underweight frequently results from malnutrition. Underweight people poorly assimilate nutrients from food.
In emaciation human body loses significant amounts of fats and muscles.
Severe thinness
Severe thinness is the result of substantial loss of fat and muscle tissue.
Moderate thinness
Moderate thinness due to reduced caloric intake is a rather serious condition.
Mild thinness
People with mild thinness must know that a very low BMI is a sign of alarm.
Pre-obesity is the consequence of imbalance between energy intake and spending.
Normal weight range
Deviations from normal weight range may result in hypertension, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer.
In overweight body accumulates more fat than is necessary for good health.
Obesity is an excessive fat accumulation in the form of adipose tissue under the skin, within organs and muscles.
Obesity class I
In obesity class I fat accumulation is higher than is desirable and good for health.
Obesity class II
Obesity class II results from increased caloric intake.
Obesity class III
In obesity class III there is a considerable fat accumulation with extremely negative effects on health.
Morbid obesity
Morbid obesity cure needs an exceptionally serious attitude because this condition presupposes particular approaches.
Underweight in children
Underweight in children may result from consumption of bulky meals and large volumes of fluids that simply fill the stomach but do not supply the child with much energy.
Normal weight in children
Normal weight in children is changing continuously and depends on age and sex. Normal weight in children of the same age and gender varies during growth.
Overweight in children
Overweight in children leads to numerous health problems that quite recently were diagnosed only in adult. At present 1 of 3 American children and teenagers suffers from excessive weight.
Obesity in children
Obesity in children is easy to diagnose but difficult to treat. Doctors diagnose obesity in children if their weight is 10% higher than recommended the height, age, and sex.
BMR - basal metabolic rate
Basal Metabolic Rate is the minimum of calories needed at rest to sustain life and body functioning on any given day, without taking into account any work or exercise.
Harris-Benedict equation
Harris-Benedict Equation to determine total daily calorie requirements. Using of Harris-Benedict Equation to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate.