Obesity Class III
In obesity class III there is a considerable fat accumulation with extremely negative effects on health. In obesity class III food consumption significantly exceeds body requirements. Imbalanced food intake and insufficient physical activity are key causes for obesity class III development. Nowadays many people prefer sedentary lifestyle, which favors obesity class III. Defective sleep may also increase the risk of obesity class III. Sleep deprivation in obesity class III stimulates appetite and provokes hormonal aberrations.
Obesity class III results in considerable cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Obesity class III is associated with significant risk of coronary heart disease. Hypertension in obesity class III develops because fat tissue produces compounds that act on kidneys. Obesity class III and numerous strokes often go together, especially among women. Moreover, in obesity class III insulin is produced in increased quantities, which is conducive to high blood pressure.
Obesity class III carries important risk for type 2 diabetes. Insulin instability is strongly linked to weight gain. Dyslipidemia and obesity class III are inseparable conditions resulting in increased triglycerides, decreased HDL, and LDL abnormalities. Food saturated fats and refined sugars can modify lipid metabolism and become the cause of fatty liver. In obesity class III the liver produces large amount of cholesterol and its concentration in the bile is considerably increased. Therefore, obesity class III increases the risk for appearance of gallstones.
Obesity class III bears high risk for osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee joint. Research data show that mechanical and metabolic factors favor the effects of obesity class III upon various joints.
Obesity class III provokes substantial respiratory disorders. Breathing becomes difficult because the lung dimensions are reduced and the chest wall is incredibly weighty. Obesity class III is frequently associated with sleep apnea.